Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Today I had my every three month CT scan. 

Here are the findings: 
The lung tumors are responding well, some even smaller than before, some the same, some even gone. 
The lymph node near my aorta is not fairing so well. It has started to grow. 
The tumor markers are also elevated ( blood work ). 

Therefore, i will begin chemo next week. A different drug than last time. The main side effect is fatigue, like I don't know about that! I will keep my hair this time. Apparently the other side effects seen with chemo agents are not likely with this drug. I will have one treatment a week for 6 weeks then scan again. ( am I glowing yet? ) 

The good part is that they are trying to "nip it, nip it in the bud" as barney fife would say. 

The discouraging part is that they have to do it at all. love you, family, can I call you that?

Feelings yet to be figured out!


  1. Diane, we call ya'll family. We love ya guys and are praying.

  2. Diane, we, your work family, are right there with you too. Keep as positive as possible and know you are loved by many!
    :-) Terri W.

  3. Di, you know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I so admire your attitude and strength. I hope you consider me some sort of step child/sister. :) K DelConte

  4. My first thought was "ugh!" But then I'm reminded of what a great creator we have who knows every intricate detail of our body. And in our weakness His strength is made perfect. So, I'm believing in faith that everything will be okay here. There was good news in the post -so praise God for reducing the size of some of those tumors. I laughed at the fatigue part. What person over 50 doesn't have fatigue?? At least you've got an excuse .. ha! Still praying; I want to see this totally gone!!
