Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What we've been waiting for

Chemo done.  Scan done, labwork drawn.  Verdict in.

Dr Crane called today.  Cancer continues to shrink.  Tumors smaller than last scan in March.  I said everyone wants me to celebrate, but I don't want to.  He said yeah I know, but we all need to celebrate more than we do.  No one knows what will happen.  I will be in remission until the tumors start to grow and/or show up somewhere else.  Dr Crane will open a bottle of wine to me tonight!  

We will start hormone therapy at my next visit in a couple of weeks.  He is researching another treatment too.  We will do labwork in 6-8 wks and scan again in 3 months.  We are still on the "attack" mode!

Spoke with my friend Leslie today.  She is a survivor too.  We've known each other since we lived in Nashville.  One of those friends that you can pick up right where you left off.  Not many of those kind of friends around.  She gets it.  She was honest enough to tell me the fatigue will last a while.  Hers lasted 9 months.  Wow definitely not what I wanted to hear.  But at least I know.  

So since I wasn't sick until I had chemo and the tumors are all smaller, it stands to reason when I finally recover from the chemo I won't be sick.  Really looking forward to that! 

If anything speaks to me it is music.  On American Idol tonight Lauren sang Martina McBride's "Do it Anyway".

Some of the lyrics go like this: 

God is great but sometimes life aint good
And when I pray
It doesn't always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway
Yeah I do it anyway, yeah, 

You can pour your soul out singin'
A song you believe in
That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway
Yeah sing it anyway

So, even tho' I don't feel so well right now, even tho' I'm scared this is not over, even tho' I feel alone sometimes, I will celebrate.  Do it anyway!


  1. I donn't drink but I had some oreos I was saving for a special occasion so I am about to open them up and since it is a really speacil day I am even gonna add some ice cream!!!!

  2. Dear Diane, You are NEVER alone......God and his Angels are with you all the time! Keep the faith, as I know you will. I am sooooo happy to hear your latest news! Lots of Love. Terri W.

  3. Yeah!! So glad to hear this is great news!! Hope you feel much better real soon!!

  4. Diane, I am so thankful for the progress that the "poison" has made ... I'm also glad the Dr. said he would open a bottle of wine to you! I'm thinking he's feeling good about the progress also!

    I'm thankful to God for getting you through this round of chemo ... thankful that you're still with us!

    You are loved and prayed for! -- Love & Hugs, Debbie Walker

  5. I agree that we all need to celebrate more than we do. I pray that you can rest in the peace that comes with this victory. You are worth celebrating, my friend!!!

  6. To my biker chic friend. Your last picture on your last post kind of caught me that way! Do it anyway is what we have to do. Without doing what we need to do what chance do we have? It doesn't matter if we're fighting cancer, caring for Grandkids, helping one another through crisis that we'd rather not have to be involved in. But we are a loving community of people and that is just what we do. I wish we could be there with you on Saturday, but will be in Findlay then onto Cleveland for Jason. Know you are in my prayers always. Take care and God bless. Linda

  7. Absolutely!!!! Keep up the good work, I bet you are really tired of "it" but you know the drill by now. Just keep on keepin' on Sister!
