Wednesday, January 19, 2011

first chemo treatment

Yesterday was my first treatment.  One thing for sure, don't go with a "hurry up" attitude.  You will just be frustrated.  Pick your chair, making sure there is a plug for my laptop, sit and wait.  The nurses are nice.  Some sit at the desk and you wonder what they are doing because you really don't see much movement. 

Just let me say that although I am new at this the port-a-cath is the way to go.  A little lidocaine cream before leaving home and there is really not much pain at all.  If you don't know what that is it is a contraption placed just under the skin that allows administration of IV medication and drawing blood without sticking you all over trying to do the same thing.  After while you will have no veins to stick.  Awesome.

The drugs begin.  Steroids and Benedryl for potential allergic reaction.  Zantac for your stomach.  And a three day anti-nausea drug. 

Then the Taxol.  One of the drugs to attack the cancer.  If there is a plus side to this the drug is in 80% alcohol.  For every 100mg you get 1oz 80 proof liquor.  My dose is 348mg.  That is 3.5oz of 80 proof liquor IV.  Mercy me. 

Then the Carboplatin.  Another cancer attacking drug.  This one has no specialness during the infusion.  Guess I can't have it all.

David brought me Skyline for lunch.  Treatment done.  Go home.

I wanted to go to McAllister's with Michelle, her boys and Bill for supper.  David tries to talk me out of it.  Doctor said to do whatever I felt like doing.  Don't dwell on the cancer.  Live my life.  I went. 

You see, I had not seen the boys since they were told about the cancer.  Now this is scary enough for us as adults but my precious grand kids must be so scared and they don't know how to express it.  We needed to hug, to ease their fears.  I need to be normal.  Quiet Joe!

With the "steroid rush" I did not sleep last night.  I created this blog.  The nurse said I would probably clean house but you all know me better than that.  If you don't just keep up with this blog and you will. 


  1. Awhhh Diane, I wish you the best. Please keep up your wonderful humor. Your blog is very entertaining and I really admire your spirit. I really think you look adorable in your new wig. Thanks for making me laugh with the 'Steroid Rush' line....that is funny. I'd run to my laptop too instead of clean...LOL.

  2. Love your humor! Your wig is beautiful because you are beautiful:)! I really expected you to pick a purple or pink wig or maybe even a dreadlock wig just for grins and giggles. Praying for you and knowing that God will meet all your needs according to His riches in glory. Love, Love, Love!

  3. I'm with Becky ... I expected at least one wig to be hot pink or purple! Get a few hats that express your fun-loving personality. Blessings to you my friend!

  4. Diane, Thank you for creating this blog. You've been on my mind and in my prayers so much since our wonderful "girls night" over the weekend. More chocolate cake where that came from. Please keep posting your expressions but never hesitate to reach over and pick up the phone. Like I said, "love the wig... but love you more."

  5. Really Diane,I would fully expect you to have wigs in hot pink, lavendar (to match the blog) and array of colors!!!!!
