Thursday, February 10, 2011

they said it would get worse each time....

Yep, they were right.  I thought I would at least be able to work a half day today then go to Fresh Winds practice.  Based on last time that's what I should have been able to do.  Oh not so.  Sorry FW I know it was not the same without good old #1.

Fatigue, neuropathy, muscle/bone pain.  Whew, just taking a shower was exhausting.  At least I got one today.  Oh well, I will expect the week of treatment to be bad, the next week better, then the third week good.  Guess that's why they give you 3 weeks to recover.  Percocet rules.

It's a good thing David bought that big flat screen HDTV last year.  I have totally taken it over.  Another good thing he also bought a smaller flat screen HDTV for the bedroom.  Yep, I let him take that one.


  1. I'm sorry it has to be so hard, Diane. You have an amazing attitude and I am really enjoying reading your posts and keeping up with what's going on. Hang in there! Plan a trip to sunny AZ when you get all done with this! I'll take you to the airport...twice even!! wink, wink...

  2. I wish you didn't have all the pain. But you're killing the cancer. And you're right It Sucks. But know that so many are praying you through all of this. I hope knowing how loved you are helps in some way. And big screen TV's are wonderful - they weren't invented when I was down. Probably a good thing - might never have gotten up! Love ya, Linda
